Data for GTIN 05319991103146

Product Data

Global Trade Item Number 05319991103146     
Brand Name Bella
Brand name (Latin) Bella
Functional name млечен крем производ за торти и колачи 100g
Type of bar code symbology GS1-13 (EAN-13)
Country of origin (ISO code) Macedonia
Countries where the product is sold
Name of the provider of informations COKOMIL DOO - RESEN
GLN of the provider of informations 5319991103009
Manufacturer Name COKOMIL DOO - RESEN
Manufacturer GLN 5319991103009
Product Status Corrected


Whether the product is intended for the end consumer (point of sale)?

Whether the product is on a basic level of packing in the hierarchy of products?

Whether the product is with a variable weight?

Whether the product may be included in the order (to be ordered)?

Whether the product may be included in the delivery (distribution)?

Whether the product can be billed?

Description and Classification

Product Classification
50000000 - Food/Beverage/Tobacco

Family: 50160000 - Confectionery/Sugar Sweetening Products

Class: 50161800 - Confectionery Products

Group (Brick): Chocolate and Chocolate/Sugar Candy Combinations – Confectionery
Product Declaration (without ingredients)
Млечен крем производ за торти и колачи

Product Packaging

Product Hierarchical Configuration Base unit/Each
Height 70 mm
Width 160 mm
Depth 10 mm
Net Weight 100 g
Is the Product Packaging Marked Returnable?
Is the Product Packaging Marked Recyclable?
Is the trade item packaging labelled with batch/lot number?
Is non sold trade item returnable?

Dates/Life Span

Minimum Trade Item Life Span From Time of Production 1 year
Date of entry of valid product information 01/12/2014
Date when the product becomes available 27/11/2014
Seasons in which the product is available? all year

Storage and use

The maximum temperature at which the product can be stored 20 C
Storage/usage instructions
Storage/usage instructions
Да се чува на температура од 20 C.

Ingredients and Allergens

Шеќер, растителна маст хидрогенирана, безмасно млеко во прав, сурутка во прав, емулгатори: соин лецитин и Е476, ароми. Млечниот крем содржи 15% безмасна сува материја на млеко.

  • milk and products thereof (including lactose)
  • milk and products thereof (including lactose)
  • soybeans and products thereof
Agency which controls the definition of allergens Агенција за храна и ветеринарство
Is the Product Vegetarian?
Is the Product Vegan?
Is the Product Lenten?
Does the product contain a dangerous substance?
Is the product organic?

Nutritional Facts

Нутрицистички податок100 g/mlGDA
Energy value (kJ/kcal)2380 kJ/570 kcal
Proteins4.8 g
Carbohydrates58.6 g
Fat35 g